Change Mental Health Association
The Association aims to support the mental development of families, especially the young generation (10-29 years old), and their transition into a healthy lifestyle, through individual and community programs. The Association facilitates consciousness in leading one's life, and skills development in solving crisis situations that may arise.
In addition to these specific goals, the Association also supports initiatives enhancing equal opportunities and social integration for the youth, the mothers-to-be, the mothers, and the women with the organization of and participating in training sessions, individual consultation, competence development in groups, events, outings, trips, and publications.
Our members and volunteers organize and hold individual and group activities, educational lectures, become familiar with and adopt international best practices, organize community programs, prepare publications, and take care of other assignments both in person and in the virtual space.
The Association's primary place of activity is Fejér county, the districts of Székesfehérvár and Enying. The programs use informal pedagogical methods, we aim to impart valid knowledge, based on experimental learning.
Priorities include community development, competence development, and mental health support for the youth and the young adults through individual consultation and group activities. The volunteers include mental health professionals, mediators, social workers and health-care professionals, bringing expertise to the programs. The primary target of our Association is the youth, but in order to achieve permanent development, it is often necessary to involve the families as well.
Group activities include thematic workshops in community development, conflict management, communication enhancement, assertive communication, life skills, and healthy lifestyle.
- Enhancing consciousness in leading one's life, providing sex education for the youth
- Peer assistance training, where we work on developing self-understanding, which enhances the efficiency of primary prevention
- Group activities dealing with addictions with the aim of prevention
- Assisting structured communication on the school and the settlement level, mentoring student councils
- Community development, team building in school communities, and small settlement communities
- Supporting career orientation for the youth and career correction activities for the young adults
- Promoting and enhancing volunteer work, preparing organizations for receiving volunteers
In addition to working with the youth, the professionals that work with the youth (social workers and educators in schools, instructors working in children's homes, community organizers) indicated an increasing demand for methodological support for keeping the youth rooted, and handling challenges in relation to changing generational traits, so we have been offering professional support and education for professionals since 2018.
In addition to group activities, individual consultation is also available for the youth at our office and through the Internet.
Adopting to the changing social environment, we have been paying more and more attention to digital competence development, seeking to reduce the vulnerability of youth on the Internet, while enhancing consciousness in the use of digital devices and their integration into skills.
Our Association has been partnering in tender programs for several years, extending our operation from Fejér county to the country as a whole.