
Development of digital skills

The undisturbed movement in ICT and acquiring of basic digital skills is essential nowadays. They are not just the keys of success, but the basic conditions of managing everyday life. The digital transition, the digital technological applications, the automation, the robot technology, and the AI affect almost every aspect of life and transform fundamentally the economy, the labour market and the life circumstances of humanity. In the digital economy, the demand of some jobs and skills transform considerably. The educational facilities are unable to ensure the material conditions of these activities, so it is necessary to complete the general education with the proper technical background that meets the expectations of today (in particular in case of children with difficulty, who have no access neither to modern nor to basic conditions). Under the programme, we would like to bridge this gap to make those kinds of equipment available that can support the achievement of these goals.


The voluntary activity is a tool for social integration. It contributes to form a cohesive society with evolving trust and solidarity, and creating social capital. It is an opportunity for a person with whatever nationality, religion, social or economic background, and age to contribute positive changes. Volunteers contribute to achieve the goals of EU politics such as social integration politics or development support.

The voluntary activity can be a powerful tool to create an active and responsible EU citizenship, which is the central element of European ideas and values, such as democracy, solidarity and participation.

Thanks to voluntary activity people gain experience on leading, communication and organisation, they broaden their social capital and frequently they get a paid job more likely. The voluntary activity provides informal and non-formal learning possibilities and that is why it is an important tool of EU supported life-long learning.

Outdoor training

The generational changes in the methodology of youth work push professionals toward change, so they can be authentic and proper supporters of youth with altered needs. We reach community development, conflict management, communication skill development in a deeper, self-knowledge based form called outdoor training methodology.

Our program gives an easily adaptable methodological knowledge, what develops the participants' skills in their work, besides with the self-knowledge work it helps professionals to find their balance and reach their limits. During the programme interactive activities are built on each other, where the surface is primarily just game and joy. In this way, the participants learn almost imperceptibly the ability of setting and achieving goals, cooperating with each other and with group members, the rules of cooperating and the basics of successful communication.